Exhibición en Inauguración del INAMU

Leilani González es invitada, como mujer emprendedora, a exhibir las obras LEI en la ceremonia de inauguración del Instituto Nacional de la Mujer (INAMU) el pasado 10 de Junio de 2009. Personalidades y asistentes pudieron adquirir las exclusivas obras LEI. El INAMU es creado para eliminar las causas estructurales de la desigualdad entre los géneros.
En la foto, Leilani junto a Guillermo Ferrufino, Ministro electo del MIDES y presentador del programa "Qué tal Si te Digo?" También con la ex-Ministra del MIDES, María Roquebert De León, feliz dueña de piezas LEI!
Leilani González is invited, as an enterprising woman, to exhibit LEI works of art at the opening ceremony of the Women's National Institute (INAMU) which took place on June 10th, 2009. Personalities and attendees were able to buy LEI's exclusive works of art. INAMU is created to eliminate the structural causes of inequality between genders.
In the picture shown above, Leilani together with Guillermo Ferrufino, elected Minister of MIDES and presenter of the "Qué tal Si te Digo?" TV show. Also with ex-Minister, María Roquebert De León, happy owner of LEI works of art!